

joi, 28 aprilie 2011


Why is everything this way?
And everything you'll say
Is gonna gonna make me hurt
Maybe this is the way you've learned

Why everything you know to do
Is make me feel like I have a flu?
Your words make me feel sick
And don't try me to trick...

miercuri, 27 aprilie 2011


Prietenia este o floare
Nu se usuca
Si nu moare
Doar daca
distanta le separa.

Dar prietenia noastra
Nu va avea aceasta soarta
Caci tu esti prietena mea,
Si te voi proteja
pentru totdeauna.

joi, 21 aprilie 2011


Why God gave us dreams?
To make us suffer?
Because I can't stop see his
handsome face, which is only there.

Even if I saw him only once,
In my head is only a picture
Of his face
Smiling, at her....

I've never fell in love
Not me,
But not this time...
This feeling I don't want to have
any more....

luni, 18 aprilie 2011

I'll always be here 4 u

Cry it away,
My dear, dear friend
I'd like to give you a hand
But I don't know in what way.

I know how it feels
I know that it hurts,
Don't do something stupid!
Like I did....

That's why I'm here
Trapped like in a labyrinth
I still can breath
That's all I know for sure....

Another thing I'm doing,
Is to hear everything.
My body's a prison
Until my heart stops beating...

Then you'll think you're lonely
But you'll never be
'Cause I'll be with you for ever
Because,right now, you're right here....

sâmbătă, 16 aprilie 2011

A love for a second...

Here I am
In the last moment of my life:
She shot me and killed myself
The time is not the same,
it changed, is strange...

I'm there now:
In the past,
With you, my soul-mate
And I don't know how,
to stop the time, to be more with you...

I'm sorry
'Cause my heart have beaten
for you, only for a moment...
We should have hurry
For more time for us....

Again, I'm here
But out of my body
'Cause I can see me
On the floor,
with blood around my heart...

I can see you there too
Your eyes are tearing
Your heart is bleeding
And the only thing you want to do
Is to go away...

But no!!!
Don't do that!
Stop it!
Just go!
and leave her....

You did it..
You prefer prison
than freedom?
I see that
you're a ghost too now...

His life was precious for her
and hers for him
but only wanted his lover
by his self....

vineri, 8 aprilie 2011


You can apologize
You can say you're sorry
And would be more wise
'cause maybe more free you'll be
if only you're say it...

But these would be worthless
for me
'cause about you, now I care the less
as you can see
right now...

I can't forgive you
You've did it for the last time
I wish you to have a few
girlfriends to act with you the same
you did with me...